About me…

My name is Andrei Freeman and I’ve been on computers since the infancy of the net and just before the birth of the Web. My name “Andrei” began as a nickname I took in a Mediaeval reenactment group (SCA) followed by the title Lord being given to me for helping out around the place just a wee bit too much. When the net was young I started using the username “LordAndrei.” As a result until about 5 years ago I could pretty much guarantee you that if I was on a site, I was there as LordAndrei. Now it’s down to about 90%, less so if the site is really new and popular.

My first computer was an Apple ][ to which I wrote a math testing application called “Math Fun” when I was 11. It was written in Basic and helped drill me on basic Arithmetic problems. At that point I didn’t have anyone to share it with. The rumours that Apple ][ / ][+ / ][e software ‘cracked by The Doctor’ was related to me… I will neither confirm nor deny.

Since then, I have spent 40 years on computers. I have worked for Microsoft, Symantec (Norton), Earthlink, a half score of others, and am currently the Co-Producing lead-host of the RayWenderlich Podcast for software engineers.

I don’t blog much about programming, I don’t publish much on my own, but I hope you enjoy my small offerings.


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